The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has learned that China's annual production capacity of display panels has reached 200 million square meters, and the industry scale has jumped to the top in the world

发布时间:2022-11-01   浏览次数:762

The reporter recently learned from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology that in recent years, China's new display industry has continuously accelerated and stepped onto a new level. The annual production capacity of display panels has reached 200 million square meters, and the industry scale has jumped to the top in the world.

China's new display industry maintains a high-speed growth trend, and its revenue scale has repeatedly reached new highs. According to statistics from the LCD Branch of the China Optics and Optoelectronics Industry Association, in 2021, the output value of China's display industry was about 586.8 billion yuan, an increase of nearly 8 times compared to 10 years ago; The shipment area of display panels is about 160 million square meters, an increase of more than 7 times compared to 10 years ago; The proportion of industrial scale and display panel shipment area in the global market has increased to 36.9% and 63.3% respectively, becoming the world's largest.

Not long ago, the 2022 World Display Industry Conference opened in Chengdu. According to the report "Insights on the Development Status and Trends of China's New Display Industry" released at the conference, China's annual display panel production capacity reached 200 million square meters in 2022, accounting for about 60% of the world's total. In 2021, the industry's revenue exceeded 580 billion yuan, accounting for 36.9% of the global market share. From the perspective of regional distribution, the Pearl River Delta region currently has the largest production capacity, exceeding 100 million square meters, and China has become a "screen producing country".

The new type of display is promoting the implementation of intelligent scenes in multiple tracks such as home, car, cultural and educational, and medical. The application scenarios have shifted from individuals to groups, and from one-way output of information to intelligent interactive services. Building an advanced manufacturing cluster with international competitiveness has become an important direction for the development of China's new display industry. At present, several new display industry clusters have been formed, including Chengdu, Hefei, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Wuhan.

In terms of display specific materials, China's new types of display specific materials have been increasing their local output value year by year, with a current market share of approximately 30%. Among them, liquid crystals, materials, optical modules, target materials, etc. have already reached a certain scale, and photoresist and other aspects need to be strengthened. There is still a significant gap in substrate materials and so on.

The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology stated that in the future, we will continuously improve the resilience of the industrial chain and supply chain, fully tackle the key core technologies of the new display industry, strengthen the deep integration with digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, VR/AR, big data, and the Internet of Things, deepen international exchanges and cooperation, and promote China's new display industry to move towards the mid to high end of the value chain.

Source: Network



