What are the directions for choosing a conference all-in-one machine?

发布时间:2012-12-04   浏览次数:626

What are the directions for choosing a conference all-in-one machine?

Choosing a suitable conference all-in-one machine is very important for enterprises. The efficient meeting efficiency of the conference all-in-one machine has replaced the original projector, and the conference all-in-one machine has become an important bridge for many enterprises to communicate remotely. So how should Xiongda Giant Screen teach you how to choose a conference all-in-one machine?

How to choose a conference all-in-one machine:

1. Is the touch screen positioning of the conference all-in-one machine accurate

If your conference all-in-one machine's touch is not accurate enough, it will definitely cause great trouble when used in meetings in the future. So when choosing a product, you should first experience it and then check if the words * * on the conference all-in-one machine match the touch points. If the overlap is high, it indicates that the positioning accuracy of this conference all-in-one machine is not too high.

2. Response sensitivity of conference all-in-one machine

A good conference all-in-one machine needs to be highly sensitive. As users, we can try to write or touch on the conference all-in-one machine to see how the product reacts and the lag time of the image or program pop-up. If the lag time of the conference all-in-one machine is obvious, it indicates that the sensitivity of the product is not enough and the writing is not smooth enough. This reaction speed is very obvious for people who use smartphones every day. So when choosing, be sure to choose a conference all-in-one machine with high sensitivity.

3. Is the conference all-in-one equipment convenient

We need to utilize the various functions of the conference all-in-one machine to ensure its convenience and whether its settings are user-friendly. When designing and developing a fully integrated conference machine, manufacturers will carefully consider the actual user experience. If the equipment operation is very cumbersome and difficult to control, even if the company has a good training team, it will feel powerless and even affect the emotions of participants during the training meeting. So a good conference all-in-one machine needs to be fully functional and easy to use.

4. Does the conference all-in-one machine have wireless screen transmission

We need to experience the wireless screen transmission function of the conference all-in-one machine when using it. Does it support various types of terminals, such as our smartphones, Android phones, Apple phones, laptops, tablets, and even all-in-one devices, all of which can achieve wireless screen transmission function. When conducting wireless screen transmission, a very important component is called a screen transmitter. As a user, it is important to pay attention to how many terminal connections it can support for future wireless screen transmission.

5. Overall parameters of conference all-in-one equipment

It is difficult for ordinary users to control this aspect. They can try comparing several devices, mainly including effective sensing area, screen type, pixels, product specifications, brightness, refresh rate, and many other parameters. Legitimate large factory brands, these product parameters will be clearly marked on a certain part of the machine or in the manual when leaving the factory.

What are the directions for choosing a conference all-in-one machine? Conference all-in-one machines are multifunctional office equipment designed specifically for conference services, especially when the global pandemic has increased the demand for intelligent interaction in online work, remote meetings/education, etc. Traditional and single conference equipment is unable to meet the diverse needs of current conference scenarios, which has led to the rapid development of intelligent conference all-in-one machines.



